Diversity and Inclusion in Fundraising seeks to achieve a broad representation of experiences, perspectives, and cultures to ensure that the best possible thinking, ideas, opportunities and solutions are considered; intentionally creates a respectful and welcoming environment that is open to all; and appreciates the unique contributions of every member of the community.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals South Carolina Piedmont Chapter believes in:

  • Responsiveness Focusing on high quality service, that is open to new ideas and exceeding expectations of members, stakeholders and communities

  • Inclusiveness Embracing diversity in the fundraising community with a commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of all its members and ensuring the benefits we provide are accessible and affordable.

  • Collaboration Recognizing that we can accomplish our purpose only with the strong support and partnership of other individuals and groups who share our vision.

  • Integrity Conducting business according to the highest ethical principles and serving as trustworthy stewards of our resources.

  • Celebration Openly and joyfully celebrating philanthropic actions, individuals and organizations that positively transform our communities.

AFP SC Piedmont IDEA Community Affinity Group

Fundraising professional who self identifies as coming from an eligible diverse community (Black/African American, Indigenous, Hispanic, Asian, People with Disabilities, LGBTQ, Jewish, or another underrepresented community.)


  • Meets once or more a quarter
  • Provides network of peer support
  • Liaison between membership, optional members, and IDEA committee/ chair
  • IDEA Chair will utilize AFP Global Connect to support IDEA affinity group